
英语听力2024-04-16 04:20:54小编




Summer insects appear in the morning, while winter mushrooms appear in the evening. This metaphor can be used to describe people's habits or behavior patterns that are influenced by the seasons.


夏虫朝菌 [xià chóng zhāo jūn]



Summer insects and winter mushrooms are often used as a metaphor for people changing their behavior under the influence of their environment or external factors. It can be used to describe people's habits, work styles, thinking patterns, etc.


1. 他平时很懒散,但是到了夏天就像变了一个人,每天早上都会去锻炼身体,真是夏虫朝菌啊。

He is usually very lazy, but in summer he seems like a different person, exercising every morning. He is truly like a summer insect and winter mushroom.

2. 随着冬天的来临,他的工作效率也开始下降,果然是夏虫朝菌。

As winter approaches, his work efficiency also starts to decline. He is indeed like a summer insect and winter mushroom.

3. 孩子们放暑假了,他们的作息时间也变得很不规律,夏虫朝菌的生活习惯真是难以养成啊。

The children are on summer vacation and their daily routines have become irregular. It's really difficult to cultivate good habits like a summer insect and winter mushroom.

4. 夏季我总是早起去跑步,而冬季则喜欢晚上散步,我就像一只夏虫朝菌。

In summer, I always wake up early to go for a run, but in winter I prefer to take evening walks. I am like a summer insect and winter mushroom.

5. 这个城市的人们生活节奏明显受季节影响,夏天都是早起晚睡,冬天则相反,真是典型的夏虫朝菌。

The people in this city clearly have their pace of life affected by the seasons - staying up late in the summer and waking up late in the winter. They are typical examples of being like summer insects and winter mushrooms.


1. 蚂蚁搬家 - 比喻人们受到外界因素影响而改变自己的行为。

Ants moving house - a metaphor for people changing their behavior under the influence of external factors.

2. 风马牛不相及 - 比喻两件事物之间没有,彼此毫无关联。

Wind, horses, cows do not relate - a metaphor for two things having no connection or relation to each other.

3. 鸡毛蒜皮 - 比喻琐碎小事,不值一提。

Chicken feathers and garlic skins - a metaphor for trivial matters that are not worth mentioning.


