
英语听力2024-04-16 04:40:01小编



(英文解释)Foreign trade refers to the exchange of goods and services between countries, also known as international trade or foreign trade. In modern economy, foreign trade is an important means for countries to exchange and cooperate economically, and also a significant force driving global economic development.

二:怎么读(音标)/ˈfɔːrɪn treɪd/

三:用法 外贸通常指的是之间的贸易活动,包括出口、进口、跨境投资、技术转让等。它涉及多个领域,如农业、工业、服务业等,并且在现代经济中占据着重要地位。外贸可以带来更多的收入和就业机会,也可以促进各国之间的合作与发展。

(英文解释)Foreign trade usually refers to the trading activities between countries, including exports, imports, cross-border investment, technology transfer, etc. It involves multiple sectors such as agriculture, industry, services, and plays an important role in modern economy. Foreign trade can bring in more income and job opportunities, as well as promote cooperation and development among countries.


1. 外贸的发展可以促进各国之间的经济合作与发展。

The development of foreign trade can promote economic cooperation and development among countries.

2. 这家公司专门从事出口业务,是一家外贸企业。

This company specializes in export business and is a foreign trade enterprise.

3. 是世界上最大的外贸之一。

China is one of the largest foreign trade countries in the world.

4. 外贸的调整对于促进经济发展具有重要意义。

The adjustment of foreign trade policies is of great significance for promoting national economic development.

5. 随着信息技术的发展,电子商务在外贸领域扮演着越来越重要的角色。

With the development of information technology, e-commerce plays an increasingly important role in the field of foreign trade.


1. 国际贸易(international trade):指各国之间进行商品和服务交换的活动,与外贸概念相近。

2. 对外贸易(foreign trade):与外贸概念相同,也指国与国之间进行商品和服务交易的活动。

3. 跨境贸易(cross-border trade):指跨越国界进行商品和服务交易的活动,也属于外贸范畴。

4. 出口(export):指将本国产品或服务销售到国外,是外贸的一种形式。

5. 进口(import):指从国外购买产品或服务进入本国,也是外贸的一种形式。


