
英语听力2024-04-16 05:41:00小编



The meaning of "大声说" is to express something in a loud voice, usually in order for others to hear and understand what one is saying.


大声说的音标为 "dà shēng shuō",读音为 /dà ʂɤŋ ʂwɔ/。

The pronunciation of "大声说" is "dà shēng shuō", with the phonetic symbols /dà ʂɤŋ ʂwɔ/.



"大声说" is often used to describe someone's way of speaking, indicating that they are using a louder volume when talking. It can be used as a verb phrase or as an adjective to modify other nouns.


1. 她大声地告诉我她的计划。

She told me her plan in a loud voice.

2. 我们需要大声地喊出来才能让所有人都听到。

We need to speak loudly in order for everyone to hear us.

3. 小明总是在教室里大声说话,老师经常要提醒他保持安静。

Xiaoming always speaks loudly in the classroom, and the teacher often reminds him to be quiet.

4. 她大声地哭着告诉我她的悲伤故事。

She cried out loud as she told me her sad story.

5. 请不要大声说话,其他人正在专心工作。

Please don't speak loudly, others are focusing on their work.


1. 高声说 (gāo shēng shuō) - 同样表示以高音量说话,常用于正式场合或表达强烈情绪。

Example: 她高声地向大家宣布了好消息。(She announced the good news to everyone in a loud voice.)

2. 大嗓门 (dà sǎng mén) - 指某人的嗓音很大,常用于贬义。

Example: 他的大嗓门总是吵得我头疼。(His loud voice always gives me a headache.)

3. 大喊 (dà hǎn) - 表示以较高的音量喊叫,通常带有一定的情绪色彩。

Example: 他大喊着要和平解决问题。(He shouted for a peaceful resolution of the problem.)


