
英语听力2024-04-16 06:19:05小编



英文解释:"Drought rainbow" refers to a rare weather phenomenon that appears in extremely dry weather, where colorful clouds can be seen in the clear sky. This phenomenon often occurs after a period of drought and is also known as "post-drought rainbow".

二:怎么读(音标):drought rainbow [draut ˈreɪnboʊ]



1. The farmers were overjoyed when they saw the beautiful drought rainbow in the sky after months of dry weather. 农民们在数月干旱之后看到了美丽的大旱云霓,感到非常高兴。

2. The local legend says that a drought rainbow is a sign of good luck and prosperity for the village. 当地传说认为,大旱云霓是村子里好运和繁荣的象征。

3. Despite the severe drought, people couldn't help but s and admire the breathtaking drought rainbow in the sky. 尽管干旱严重,人们还是忍不住停下来欣赏天空中令人惊叹的大旱云霓。

4. The drought rainbow was a rare sight for the city dwellers, who were used to seeing only gray skies and smog. 对于习惯了只看到灰蒙蒙天空和雾霾的城市居民来说,大旱云霓是一种罕见的景观。

5. The photo of the drought rainbow went viral on social media, bringing hope and joy to people who were struggling with the effects of the drought. 大旱云霓的照片在社交媒体上迅速传播,给那些受干旱影响而苦苦挣扎的人带来了希望和喜悦。


