
英语听力2024-04-16 09:17:22小编



How to read: tài yáng rè shuǐ (pinyin)

Usage: 太阳热水 can be used as a noun phrase, and it is often used to refer to the water that has been heated by solar energy.

Example sentences:

1. 我们家安装了太阳热水,现在每天早上可以洗上暖暖的澡了。(Wǒmen jiā ānzhuāng le tài yáng rè shuǐ xìtǒng, xiànzài měitiān zǎoshang kěyǐ xǐ shàng nuǎn nuǎn de zǎo le.)

We have installed a solar water heating system in our house, now we can take warm showers every morning.

2. 太阳热水是一种环保节能的方式,对于保护地球环境非常有益处。(Tài yáng rè shuǐ shì yī zhǒng huánbǎo jié néng de fāngshì, duìyú bǎohù dìqiú huánjìng fēicháng yǒu yìchù.)

Solar water heating is an environmentally friendly and energy-saving way, which is very beneficial for protecting the Earth's environment.

3. 这家旅馆提供的太阳热水非常舒适,让我在冬天也能享受到温暖的洗澡。(Zhè jiā lǚguǎn tígōng de tài yáng rè shuǐ fēicháng shūfú, ràng wǒ zài dōngtiān yě néng xiǎngshòu dào wēnnuǎn de xǐzǎo.)

The solar heated water provided by this hotel is very comfortable, allowing me to enjoy a warm shower even in winter.

4. 太阳热水需要安装在光照充足的地方,才能发挥最大的作用。(Tài yáng rè shuǐ xìtǒng xūyào ānzhuāng zài guāngzhào chōngzú de dìfāng, cái néng fāhuī zuìdà de zuòyòng.)

The solar water heating system needs to be installed in a place with sufficient sunlight in order to achieve its maximum efficiency.

5. 我们可以通过使用太阳热水来减少使用传统能源,从而降低能源消耗和环境污染。(Wǒmen kěyǐ tōngguò shǐyòng tài yáng rè shuǐ lái jiǎnshǎo shǐyòng chuántǒng néngyuán, cóng'ér jiàngdī néngyuán xiāohào hé huánjìng wūrǎn.)

We can reduce the use of traditional energy sources and lower energy consumption and environmental pollution by using solar heated water.

Synonyms and usage: 太阳能热水 (tài yáng néng rè shuǐ) is a synonym for 太阳热水 and can be used interchangeably. Other related terms include 太阳能加热水 (tài yáng néng jiā rè shuǐ), which specifically refers to water heated by solar energy, and 太阳能热水器 (tài yáng néng rè shuǐ qì), which refers to the solar water heater itself.

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