英文解释:To write with a pen or to write an article with quick and powerful movements, full of passion and impulse.
二:怎么读(音标):fèn bǐ jí shū (fèn bǐ jí shū)
1. 他奋笔疾书地写下了自己的感想。
He wrote down his thoughts with quick and powerful movements.
2. 她总是能够在很短的时间内完成一篇文章,因为她善于奋笔疾书。
She can always finish an article in a short time because she is good at writing with quick and powerful movements.
3. 在这个快节奏的社会,我们需要学会如何奋笔疾书才能跟上时代的步伐。
In this fast-paced society, we need to learn how to write with quick and powerful movements in order to keep up with the pace of the times.
4. 他在考试中奋笔疾书,最终取得了优异的成绩。
He wrote with quick and powerful movements during the exam and achieved excellent results in the end.
5. 她的文章总是充满激情和冲动,读起来让人感受到她的奋笔疾书。
Her articles are always full of passion and impulse, making readers feel her quick and powerful writing.
1. 火速书写(huǒ sù shū xiě):形容写作时迅速有力,充满激情和冲动。
2. 飞扬跋扈(fēi yáng bá hù):形容写作时充满自信和冲动,语气更强烈。
3. 滔滔不绝(tāo tāo bù jué):形容话语或文字连续不断地流出,表达思想或感情。
4. 急就章(jí jiù zhāng):指急于完成一件事情,特指急于完成一篇文章。
5. 痛快淋漓(tòng kuài lín lí):形容写作时充满激情和冲动,表达出强烈的感受和思想。