
英语听力2024-04-16 11:24:07小编




The Oslo Accords refer to a significant peace agreement signed in 1993 in the Norwegian capital, Oslo, with the aim of resolving the Palestinian territorial issue and Israeli national security concerns. The agreement was signed by representatives of the Palestine Liberation Organization and the Israeli government and is considered a crucial milestone in the Middle East peace process.


/ˈɔːzləʊ əˈkɔːdz/



The term "Oslo Accords" is commonly used to refer to the specific document signed in 1993, but it can also encompass all agreements reached between Israel and Palestine. It can also be used as a proper noun to refer to this particular period in the Middle East peace process.


1. 奥斯陆协议的签署标志着巴以双方历经多年的后,首次达成了和平协议。

The signing of the Oslo Accords marked the first time that Israel and Palestine had reached a peace agreement after years of conflict.

2. 奥斯陆协议旨在通过谈判解决巴勒斯坦问题和以色列安全问题。

The Oslo Accords aimed to resolve the Palestinian territorial issue and Israeli national security concerns through negotiations.

3. 根据奥斯陆协议,巴勒斯坦将获得权,并承认以色列作为一个。

Under the Oslo Accords, Palestine would gain autonomy and recognize Israel as a state.

4. 尽管奥斯陆协议曾带来一段短暂的和平时期,但是随后双方仍陷入了更加复杂的中。

Although the Oslo Accords brought a brief period of peace, the two sides soon became embroiled in more complex conflicts.

5. 奥斯陆协议被视为中东和平进程中的关键里程碑,但至今仍未能实现长久的和平稳定。

The Oslo Accords are considered a crucial milestone in the Middle East peace process, but lasting peace and stability have yet to be achieved.


1. 中东和平协议 - Middle East peace agreement

2. 巴以协议 - Palestinian-Israeli agreement

3. 巴以和平谈判 - Palestinian-Israeli peace negotiations

4. 巴以和谈 - Palestinian-Israeli peace talks

5. 中东和谈 - Middle East peace talks


