
英语听力2024-04-16 13:39:05小编




The meaning of Ma Zu (Chinese and English interpretation):

Ma Zu refers to the sea goddess in Chinese folk belief, also known as "Holy Mother of Heaven" or "Heavenly Holy Mother". She is regarded as the patron saint of seafaring and fishing, and is believed to have the ability to save disasters and bless peace. The belief in Ma Zu originated from southern China, especially in coastal areas such as Fujian and Guangdong, and has a history of several hundred years.


mā zǔ




Ma Zu is commonly used to refer to the sea goddess in Chinese folk belief, and can also be used to express worship and reverence towards her. In religious rituals or festive events, people offer incense and burn paper money to Ma Zu, and hold various sacrificial ceremonies to seek her blessings.


1. 据说妈祖能海洋,保护渔民免受海难的困扰。

It is said that Ma Zu has the power to control the ocean and protect fishermen from maritime disasters.

2. 每年农历三月二三,福建沿海地区都会举行盛大的妈祖庙会,来纪念妈祖的生日。

Every year on the 23rd day of the third lunar month, coastal areas in Fujian hold grand Ma Zu temple fairs to commemorate Ma Zu's birthday.

3. 妈祖信仰已经融入了南方地区人们的生活,成为当地文化的重要组成部分。

The belief in Ma Zu has been integrated into the lives of people in southern China, becoming an important part of local culture.

4. 许多船只在出海前都会向妈祖进行祭拜,以求得她的保佑和平安。

Many ships will worship Ma Zu before setting sail, seeking her blessings and protection.

5. 在,妈祖被视为守护者和守护者女神,被称为“海上的妈祖”。

In Taiwan, Ma Zu is regarded as a guardian and protector goddess, known as "Ma Zu of the Sea".


1. 天后圣母 (tiān hòu shèng mǔ):与妈祖意思相同,都是指民间信仰中的海上女神。

2. 天上圣母 (tiān shàng shèng mǔ):与妈祖意思相同,也是指民间信仰中的海上女神。

3. 妈太 (mā tài):是对妈祖的亲昵称呼,也可以用来表示对她的尊敬和敬畏。

4. 保佑 (bǎo yòu):表示希望得到某种好运或保护。在妈祖信仰中,人们会向她祈求保佑平安。

5. 祭拜 (jì bài):表示向神明或先人献香、烧纸钱等礼物以示敬意和感恩。在庆祝妈祖生日或其他重要节日时,人们会举行各种祭拜活动。

Synonyms and Usage:

1. Holy Mother of Heaven: has the same meaning as Ma Zu, both refer to the sea goddess in Chinese folk belief.

2. Heavenly Holy Mother: has the same meaning as Ma Zu, also refers to the sea goddess in Chinese folk belief.

3. Ma Tai: is an affectionate name for Ma Zu, and can also be used to show respect and reverence towards her.

4. Blessings: expresses the hope for good luck or protection. In the belief of Ma Zu, people pray for her blessings and safety.

5. Worship: means offering incense, burning paper money, etc. to show respect and gratitude to gods or ancestors. During celebrations of Ma Zu's birthday or other important festivals, people will hold various worship activities.


