
英语听力2024-04-16 15:22:09小编




Son-in-law is the term used for a woman's husband after marriage. In ancient times, it could also refer to a woman who became a member of a man's family after marrying him. Nowadays, it is commonly used to refer to the husband of a woman.


婿的读音为 [xù],声调为第四声。




"Son-in-law" is commonly used as a noun and can function as the subject, object, or modifier in a sentence. As the subject, it refers to the husband of a woman; as the object, it refers to someone who has been accepted into a woman's family; as the modifier, it describes something related to one's wife.


1. 我的婿今天要来拜访我们。

My son-in-law is coming to visit us today.

2. 她的婿是一位医生,非常有才华。

Her husband is a doctor and very talented.

3. 她很喜欢她的婿家人,和他们相处得很好。

She gets along well with her husband's family and enjoys spending time with them.

4. 她的婿给她买了一条漂亮的项链作为结婚纪念礼物。

Her son-in-law bought her a beautiful necklace as a wedding anniversary gift.

5. 他的婿是个顾家的好男人。

His son-in-law is a responsible and caring husband.


1. 儿婿(ér xù):指女子结婚后,丈夫的称呼。与“婿”意思相同,但多用于口语。

Son-in-law can also be translated as "ér xù" in Chinese, which has the same meaning but is more commonly used in spoken language.

2. 郎君(láng jūn):古代指女子结婚后,丈夫的称呼。现在也可以指女方的丈夫。

"Lang jun" was used in ancient times to refer to a woman's husband after marriage, but now it can also refer to the husband of a woman.

3. 妇男(fù nán):古代指女子结婚后,丈夫的称呼。现在已不常用。

"Fu nan" was used in ancient times to refer to a woman's husband after marriage, but it is not commonly used nowadays.


