
英语听力2024-04-16 15:45:56小编




Peacock is a beautiful bird and one of the largest flying birds in the world. They are usually found in tropical regions of Asia and Africa, with colorful feathers and graceful dance moves, often seen as a symbol of nobility, elegance, and mystery.





Peacock can be used as a noun to refer to this beautiful bird. It can also be used as an adjective to describe someone or something that has the characteristics of being colorful, elegant, and noble.


1. The peacock spread its feathers and danced gracefully. (孔雀展开羽毛,优雅地跳舞。)

2. The garden was filled with the vibrant colors of peacocks. (花园里充满了孔雀绚丽的色彩。)

3. The peacock is often used as a symbol of beauty and grace in many cultures. (在许多文化中,孔雀常被用作美丽和优雅的象征。)

4. She wore a dress with peacock feathers on the hem, making her look regal and majestic. (她穿着一条裙子,裙摆上有孔雀羽毛,让她看起来高贵而威严。)

5. The male peacock's tail feathers are used to attract female peacocks during mating season. (雄性孔雀在交配季节会用尾羽吸引雌性孔雀。)


1. Peafowl: This is the general term for the species that includes both male and female birds, while "peacock" refers specifically to the male bird.

2. Pavo: This is another word for "peacock" in Latin, often used in scientific names.

3. Pavo cristatus: This is the scientific name for the Indian peafowl, which is the most common and well-known species of peacock.

4. Beauty: This word can be used as a synonym for "peacock" when describing its stunning appearance.

5. Elegance: Similar to "beauty," this word can also be used to describe the graceful movements of a peacock.


