
英语听力2024-04-16 16:12:09小编




What does "季女" mean (Chinese-English)?

"季女" refers to the fourth daughter in a traditional Chinese family. In ancient times, due to the belief of male superiority, the fourth daughter was often not valued as much, hence the term "季女". Although modern society has abandoned this belief, the term "季女" is still used and often describes the youngest daughter in a family.


jì nǚ




The term "季女" is commonly used to refer to the fourth daughter in a family. It can be used as a noun and is commonly used in both spoken and written language. It can also be used as an adjective to describe the youngest daughter in a family.


1. 我是家里的季女,但是父母从来没有因此而对我有任何偏见。

I am the fourth daughter in my family, but my parents have never shown any bias towards me because of it.

2. 她是家里的季女,但是却拥有着最大的梦想。

She is the youngest daughter in her family, but she has the biggest dreams.

3. 作为一个季女,她总是被姐姐们当作小孩子来对待。

As the youngest daughter, she is always treated like a child by her older sisters.

4. 她一直被称为“季女”,但她并不在意,因为她知道自己的价值不仅仅取决于排行。

She has always been called "季女", but she doesn't mind because she knows her worth is not defined by her birth order.

5. 季女虽然在古代被忽视,但现在已经成为了家庭中最受欢迎的宝贝。

Although "季女" was neglected in ancient times, it has now become the most beloved treasure in many families.


1. 四妹 (sì mèi): 又称“四小姐”,是指家庭中排行第四的女儿,与“季女”意思相同。

2. 小妹 (xiǎo mèi): 指家庭中最小的女儿,也可以用来指代“季女”。

3. 最小的女儿 (zuì xiǎo de nǚ ér): 指家庭中排行最小的女儿,可以用来形容“季女”。

Synonyms and Usage:

1. 四妹 (sì mèi): Also known as "四小姐", refers to the fourth daughter in a family, same meaning as "季女".

2. 小妹 (xiǎo mèi): Refers to the youngest daughter in a family, can also be used to refer to "季女".

3. 最小的女儿 (zuì xiǎo de nǚ ér): Refers to the youngest daughter in a family, can be used to describe "季女".


