
英语听力2024-04-16 17:56:55小编



(The phrase "安土重迁" refers to people's emotional attachment and nostalgia towards their hometown or ancestral land, as well as their reluctance and resistance towards migration or relocation.)


ān tǔ zhòng qiān (an1 tu3 zhong4 qian1)



(The phrase "安土重迁" is often used to describe people's strong emotions towards their hometown or ancestral land, and can also indicate a reluctance to leave one's original living environment. It can be used as a verb phrase or a noun phrase.)


1. 他是一个非常有安土重迁情结的人,无论发生什么变故,都不愿意离开家乡。(He is a person with strong attachment to his homeland, and he is unwilling to leave his hometown no matter what happens.)

2. 这个小镇上的老人们都有着安土重迁的思想,他们宁愿守着自己的老房子,也不愿意搬到城市去住。(The old people in this small town all have the mentality of "安土重迁", they would rather stay in their old houses than move to the city.)

3. 这部电影讲述了一个安土重迁的故事,主人公为了守护家乡,与展开了一场艰苦的斗争。(This movie tells a story about "安土重迁", the protagonist fights a tough battle with the government in order to protect his hometown.)

4. 在现代社会,随着城市化进程的加快,越来越多的人开始失去对家乡的安土重迁情结。(In modern society, with the acceleration of urbanization, more and more people are losing their attachment to their hometowns.)

5. 他们一家三口不顾亲戚朋友的劝阻,坚持要搬回老家生活,因为他们有着浓厚的安土重迁情感。(Despite the dissuasion from relatives and friends, they insisted on moving back to their hometown because of their strong attachment to it.)


1. 安居乐业(ān jū lè yè):指人们在自己熟悉、舒适的环境中生活和工作。

2. 家国情怀(jiā guó qíng huái):指对祖国和家乡的深厚感情和情怀。

3. 乡愁(xiāng chóu):指对离开的故乡的思念和怀念。

4. 故土情结(gù tǔ qíng jié):指对故土的强烈感情和依恋。

5. 归属感(guī shǔ gǎn):指人们对某个地方或群体的认同感。


