
英语听力2024-04-16 23:21:04小编



How to pronounce: [duːˈɑːlɒg ˈpɑːtnər kʌntri]


1. 两国就双边关系举行了高层对话,加强对话伙伴国之间的友好合作。

The leaders of the two countries held high-level talks to strengthen the friendly cooperation between dialogue partner countries.

2. 该组织旨在促进成员国之间的贸易往来和经济发展,建立起一个互利共赢的对话伙伴国网络。

The organization aims to promote trade and economic development among member countries, establishing a mutually beneficial network of dialogue partner countries.

3. 对话伙伴国之间的文化交流活动将有助于增进两国人民之间的相互了解与友谊。

Cultural exchange activities between dialogue partner countries will help enhance mutual understanding and friendship between the two peoples.

4. 作为对话伙伴国,我们应该共同努力推动地区和平与稳定,实现共同发展繁荣。

As dialogue partner countries, we should work together to promote regional peace and stability, and achieve common development and prosperity.

5. 该国与对话伙伴国之间签署了一项合作协议,旨在加强双方在农业领域的合作。

The country has signed a cooperation agreement with its dialogue partner country to strengthen cooperation in the field of agriculture.

Synonyms and Usage:

1. 合作伙伴国(partner country):指两国或多国之间建立的合作关系,常用于、经济等领域。

2. 友好邻邦(friendly neighbor):指两国之间拥有友好关系,常用于、等方面。

3. 同盟国(allied country):指两国或多国签署了同盟协议,共同对抗敌对势力。

4. 联盟成员(member of alliance):指加入某一联盟组织的成员国,共同维护各自的利益。

5. 多边伙伴(multilateral partner):指多个之间建立的合作关系,常用于涉及多个领域的合作。

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