寻根问底(xún gēn wèn dǐ)是一个成语,意为追根究底、探求事物的根本原因或。在日常生活中,我们常常会遇到一些问题或现象,想要弄清楚其中的来龙去脉,就需要进行寻根问底。
xún gēn wèn dǐ(IPA:[ɕyn kən wən di])
1. 他总是喜欢寻根问底,不满足于表面上的解释。
He always likes to dig deeper and ask for the root cause, not satisfied with superficial explanations.
2. 在这个信息爆炸的时代,人们更加需要学会寻根问底,以避免被虚假信息误导。
In this age of information explosion, it is more important for people to learn how to dig deeper and ask for the root cause, in order to avoid being misled by false information.
3. 老师鼓励学生在学习过程中勇于提出问题,并通过寻根问底来加深对知识的理解。
The teacher encourages students to ask questions and deepen their understanding of knowledge through digging deeper and asking for the root cause.
4. 作为一名记者,我深知寻根问底的重要性,因为只有弄清楚事情的,才能给读者带来客观准确的报道。
As a journalist, I know the importance of digging deeper and asking for the root cause, because only by understanding the truth can we bring objective and accurate reports to readers.
5. 如果你想要成为一个优秀的科学家,就必须具备寻根问底的,并且不断追求探索未知领域。
If you want to become an excellent scientist, you must have the spirit of digging deeper and asking for the root cause, and constantly pursue exploration in unknown fields.
1. 追根究底(zhuī gēn jiū dǐ):与寻根问底意思相同,都指追求事物的根本原因或。
2. 探究本质(tàn jiū běn zhì):指通过深入研究和分析,探求事物存在的本质特征。
3. 深入调查(shēn rù diào chá):指通过地收集信息和调查研究,以获得更深层次的了解。
4. 探求(tàn qiú zhēn xiàng):指通过探索和追问,寻找事物真实的原因和情况。
5. 追根溯源(zhuī gēn sù yuán):与寻根问底意思相同,都指追求事物的源头和根本。