RF modulator is an electronic device used to convert low frequency signals into high frequency signals for data transmission in wireless communication. It typically consists of a modulator and a demodulator, used to convert digital signals into analog signals or analog signals into digital signals.
射频调制器的读音为shè pínɡ tiáo zhì qì。
The pronunciation of RF modulator is shè pínɡ tiáo zhì qì.
RF modulators are commonly used in radio broadcasting, satellite television, wireless telephony, and other wireless communication systems. They can convert low frequency signals into high frequency signals and transmit them to the receiving end through antennas.
1. 这个射频调制器能够将数字音乐文件转换成模拟信号,然后通过FM广播发送出去。
This RF modulator can convert digital music files into analog signals and broadcast them through FM radio.
2. 他们使用射频调制器将无线电信号转换成数字信号,以便在网络中传输数据。
They use an RF modulator to convert radio signals into digital signals for data transmission over the network.
3. 这个射频调制器可以将高清视频信号转换为数字信号,然后通过卫星传输到电视机上。
This RF modulator can convert high-definition video signals into digital signals and transmit them to the TV through satellite.
4. 射频调制器的作用是将音频和视频信号转换为适合无线传输的高频信号。
The function of an RF modulator is to convert audio and video signals into high frequency signals suitable for wireless transmission.
5. 他们需要一个新的射频调制器来提高无线通信的数据传输速率。
They need a new RF modulator to improve the data transmission rate of their wireless communication system.
RF modulators can also be called RF modulators or wireless modulators. Their function is to convert low frequency signals into high frequency signals, but the specific technical details may vary.