
英语听力2024-04-17 00:44:00小编


Dicky the little g runs back and forth very quickly, protecting our house and keeping it away from harm.


1. 小鬼迪克来回来去跑得飞快,保护着我们的房子,让它远离伤害 (xiǎo guǐ dí kè lái huí lái qù pǎo dé fēi kuài, bǎo hù zhe wǒ men de fáng zi, ràng tā yuǎn lí shāng hài)


2. 怎么读(音标):[ˈdɪkɪ]


3. 用法:作为名词,指一种形象活泼、有趣的小鬼;也可用作人名。常见于童话故事、动画片等儿童文学作品中。

4. 例句:

1) Dicky is a friendly g who loves to run around the house and protect it from harm. (迪克是一个友善的小鬼,喜欢在房子周围跑来跑去,并保护它免受伤害。)

2) The children were delighted to see Dicky, the little g, playing hide-and-seek in their backyard. (孩子们看到小鬼迪克在后院玩捉迷藏,都很开心。)

3) Dicky's parents were proud of him for always keeping their house safe and sound. (迪克的父母为他总是保护家的安全而感到自豪。)

4) The villagers believed that Dicky's g was the reason why their crops never failed. (村民们相信小鬼迪克的存在是导致他们庄稼从未失败的原因。)

5) Dicky was determined to protect the old haunted house from being destroyed by the developers. (迪克决心要保护这座老旧的闹鬼房子不被开发商拆除。)

5. 同义词及用法:

1) g(n. 鬼魂)常用于指灵异、神秘的幽灵,通常带有恐怖或吓人的意味。

例:The old castle is said to be haunted by gs at night. (据说这座古堡晚上会有鬼出没。)

2) spirit(n. 精灵)指一种超自然的存在,常出现在神话、传说中,也可指人类死后灵魂的形式。

例:The little girl believed that there were friendly spirits living in the forest near her house. (小女孩相信她家附近的森林里住着友好的精灵。)

3) poltergeist(n. 恶灵)指一种被认为有害的鬼魂,常用于描述恶作剧、破坏等现象。

例:The family was terrified when they heard strange noises in the house, thinking it might be a poltergeist. (当家人听到房子里发出奇怪的声音时,都很害怕,以为可能是恶灵作祟。)


小鬼迪克是一种活泼、有趣的小鬼形象,在儿童文学作品中经常出现。他快速地在房子周围跑来跑去,保护房子不受伤害,为孩子们带来欢乐和安全感。除了常见的同义词g、spirit和poltergeist外,也可以用friendly g来形容他。希望小鬼迪克能给孩子们带来更多快乐和惊喜!
