
英语听力2024-04-17 00:51:02小编



How to pronounce: [shǎo zhǎng guì]

Usage: 这个词语通常用于口语,可以用来指代某个年轻人在商店或餐厅中担任售货员或服务员等基层职位,也可以用来形容一个人在某个领域的经验或地位较低。

Example sentences:

1. 那家餐厅的少掌柜态度很好,服务很周到。

The young shopkeeper at that restaurant has a good attitude and provides excellent service.

2. 她虽然只是一名少掌柜,但是她对时尚潮流有着敏锐的眼光。

Although she is just a young salesperson, she has a keen eye for fashion trends.

3. 这家服装店有很多年轻的少掌柜,他们都非常热情地为顾客提供帮助。

This clothing store has many young shop assistants who are all very enthusiastic in helping customers.

4. 我虽然只是一个少掌柜,但是我会努力学习,争取升职。

Although I am just a young shop assistant, I will work hard and strive for promotion.

5. 在这家公司里,即使是少掌柜也有机会发表自己的意见,并得到重视。

In this company, even the young employees have the opportunity to express their opinions and be heard.

Synonyms and usage:

1. 店员 (diàn yuán) - used to refer to salespeople or shop assistants in general.

2. 售货员 (shòu huò yuán) - used specifically to refer to salespeople in a retail store.

3. 服务员 (fú wù yuán) - used to refer to waiters or servers in a restaurant.

4. 掌柜人员 (zhǎng guì rén yuán) - can be used as a more formal alternative for "shop assistant" or "salesperson".

5. 新手 (xīn shǒu) - can be used to describe someone who is inexperienced or new in a certain field.

Editor's summary: 少掌柜是指在商店或餐厅中担任售货员或服务员等基层职位的年轻人,也可以用来形容一个人在某个领域的经验或地位较低。这个词语通常用于口语,可以用来指代某个年轻人在商店或餐厅中担任售货员或服务员等基层职位,也可以用来形容一个人在某个领域的经验或地位较低。它的同义词包括店员、售货员、服务员、掌柜人员和新手。
