
英语听力2024-04-17 00:52:59小编




Deceitful and fraudulent behavior between people in order to achieve one's own interests. This behavior is often driven by selfishness and a willingness to do whatever it takes, and is usually accompanied by conflict and competition. In Chinese, this phrase is often used to describe a lack of trust and deception in interpersonal relationships.


尔虞我诈 [ér yú wǒ zhà]



The term "尔虞我诈" is usually used as a derogatory term, criticizing those who are willing to deceive others for their own gain. It can be used to describe unfair and unethical behavior in individuals, groups, or society. In spoken language, it is also often used to describe unsavory tactics in politics or business competition.


1. 这个行业充斥着尔虞我诈的商业竞争,许多企业都不择手段地争夺市场份额。

The industry is filled with cutthroat business competition, where many companies will do whatever it takes to gain market share.

2. 他们之间的关系并不稳定,充满着尔虞我诈和互相欺骗。

Their relationship is not stable, full of mutual distrust and deceit.

3. 在这个邪恶的游戏中,只有那些擅长尔虞我诈的人才能生存下来。

In this wicked game, only those who are good at deceit and trickery can survive.

4. 这部电影展现了一幅尔虞我诈、勾心斗角的商界图景。

This movie portrays a world of deception and power struggles in the business world.

5. 她被迫参与了一场尔虞我诈的游戏,最终付出了惨重的代价。

She was forced to take part in a game of political deceit and ended up paying a heavy price.


1. 阴谋诡计 (yīn móu guǐ jì) - 指暗中策划的诡计和阴谋,常用来形容或商业上的欺诈行为。

Conspiracy - Refers to a cunning and secretive plot, often used to describe deceitful behavior in politics or business.

2. 欺诈 (qī zhà) - 指以欺骗、欺负他人为手段谋取利益,与尔虞我诈的含义相近。

Fraud - Refers to the use of deception and trickery to gain benefits, similar in meaning to "尔虞我诈".

3. 骗术 (piàn shù) - 指用来欺骗和蒙蔽他人的手段和技巧,可以用来描述个人或者团体之间的不正当竞争。

Trickery - Refers to the methods and techniques used to deceive and mislead others, can be used to describe unfair competition between individuals or groups.

4. 谎言 (huǎng yán) - 指故意说出的不真实的话,可以用来形容那些故意误导他人以达到自己目的的行为。

Lies - Refers to intentionally saying something that is not true, can be used to describe behavior aimed at misleading others for personal gain.


