
英语听力2024-04-17 01:05:07小编




"Youwu Yiren" means a beautiful woman who is charming and attractive. This term originated from the Chinese classic novel "Dream of Red Mansions", in which there is a line "Youwu Yiren Xin, Jiaran Dong Shi Qing", describing an extremely beautiful woman. Therefore, in modern Chinese, "Youwu Yiren" can also be used to describe a very beautiful woman.


Youwu Yiren (yóu wù yí rén)



"Youwu Yiren" is usually used as a whole word to describe women. It can be used as a noun or an adjective. As a noun, it means an attractive and charming woman; as an adjective, it describes a woman with a captivating beauty.


1. 她是一位真正的尤物移人,每个男人都为她倾倒。

She is a true "Youwu Yiren", every man falls for her.

2. 她的美丽不仅仅是外表,更是内在的尤物移人之处。

Her beauty is not just skin deep, but also her inner charm that captivates people.

3. 这位女演员被誉为电影界的尤物移人,她的表演让观众无法忘怀。

This actress is known as the "Youwu Yiren" in the film industry, her performance leaves a lasting impression on the audience.

4. 她的美丽和气质让她成为了这个城市的一道风景线,真是一位尤物移人。

Her beauty and grace make her a sight to behold in this city, she is truly a "Youwu Yiren".

5. 他们说这个新来的女同事是一位尤物移人,我很期待见到她。

They say the new female colleague is a "Youwu Yiren", I am looking forward to meeting her.


1. 美人 (měi rén):指极其美丽的女性。可以作为名词或形容词使用。

2. 佳丽 (jiā lì):指美丽的女性。可以作为名词或形容词使用。

3. 美女 (měi nǚ):指美丽的女性。可以作为名词或形容词使用。

4. 绝色佳人 (jué sè jiā rén):指极其美丽的女性。可以作为名词或形容词使用。

5. 美艳动人 (měi yàn dòng rén):指令人心动的美丽女性。通常用来形容外表极具吸引力的女性。

1. Beauty (měi rén): refers to an extremely beautiful woman. Can be used as a noun or adjective.

2. Fair lady (jiā lì): refers to a beautiful woman. Can be used as a noun or adjective.

3. Beauty (měi nǚ): refers to a beautiful woman. Can be used as a noun or adjective.

4. Stunning beauty (jué sè jiā rén): refers to an extremely beautiful woman. Can be used as a noun or adjective.

5. Alluring beauty (měi yàn dòng rén): refers to a captivatingly beautiful woman. Usually used to describe women with attractive appearances.


