
英语听力2024-04-17 01:10:05小编



How to pronounce: [dʒʌst]

Usage: 就餐可以用作名词或动词,表示吃饭或用餐的行为。作为名词时,它可以指特定的一顿饭,如早餐、午餐或晚餐。作为动词时,它可以表示进行就餐的行为。

Example Sentences:

1. We will be just dining at the restaurant tonight. (今晚我们将在这家餐厅就餐。)

2. The couple enjoys dining out at fancy restaurants on special occasions. (这对夫妇喜欢在特殊场合去高档的餐厅就餐。)

3. I prefer dining with friends rather than eating alone at home. (我更喜欢和朋友一起吃饭,而不是一个人在家吃。)

4. The hotel offers a variety of options for guests to dine in, including a buffet and à la carte menu. (这家旅馆提供多种选择让客人就餐,包括自助和点菜菜单。)

5. The family gathered around the table to dine together and catch up on each other's lives. (这个家庭围坐在一起用餐,一起聊天,互相了解彼此的生活。)

Synonyms and Usage:

1. Eat - 作为动词,eat也可以表示进食的行为,但它更常用于日常口语中。:Let's eat dinner together tonight. (今晚我们一起吃晚饭吧。)

2. Dine-in - 作为形容词,dine-in表示在餐厅就餐,而不是外带或外卖。:We only offer dine-in service at this restaurant. (这家餐厅只提供堂食服务。)

3. Banquet - 作为名词,banquet指的是一场正式的宴会或盛大的宴会。:The company held a banquet to celebrate its success. (公司举办了一场宴会来庆祝成功。)

Editor's Summary:

