What does "尿桶弓" mean?
"尿桶弓" refers to a tool used for collecting or storing urine. It is usually made of plastic or metal and has a curved shape with a certain capacity.
"尿桶弓"的拼音为niào tǒng gōng,音标为/nǐàu tʊ̌ŋ gɔ́ŋ/。
How to pronounce "尿桶弓":
The pinyin for "尿桶弓" is niào tǒng gōng, with the phonetic transcription of /nǐàu tʊ̌ŋ gɔ́ŋ/.
The "尿桶弓" is commonly used in hospitals, nursing homes, and other places to collect urine from patients or elderly people. It can also be used by individuals as a storage container in the bathroom. It has a sealed design that effectively prevents urine from leaking and is easy to clean and disinfect.
1. 我们需要准备一些尿桶弓来收集患者的尿液。
We need to prepare some "尿桶弓" to collect patients' urine.
2. 这家养老院使用的尿桶弓非常方便,可以轻松清洁和消毒。
The "尿桶弓" used in this nursing home is very convenient, easy to clean and disinfect.
3. 请将用过的尿桶弓放入指定的垃圾袋中,以便进行正确处理。
Please put the used "尿桶弓" into the designated garbage bag for proper disposal.
4. 小明在医院住院期间,每天都要使用尿桶弓收集自己的尿液。
During his hospital stay, Xiaoming has to use the "尿桶弓" every day to collect his urine.
5. 别忘了将尿桶弓放回原位,并及时清洁消毒,以确保下次使用时卫生安全。
Don't forget to put the "尿桶弓" back in place and clean it promptly to ensure hygiene safety for next use.
1. 小便器(xiǎo biàn qì)- 也是指收集或储存小便的器具,常用于家庭卫生间。
Synonym: 小便器 (xiǎo biàn qì)
Usage: It also refers to a tool for collecting or storing urine and is commonly used in household bathrooms.
2. 尿壶(niào hú)- 一种形状类似于壶的器具,用于收集尿液,常用于老年人或行动不便的人。
Synonym: 尿壶 (niào hú)
Usage: A tool with a shape similar to a pot, used for collecting urine, often used by elderly people or those with limited mobility.