
英语听力2024-04-17 01:54:00小编



How to pronounce: [zhǎn wàng wèi lái]


1. 作为动词使用,表示对未来的发展趋势进行预测和设想。

2. 作为名词使用,表示对未来发展的预测或设想。

Example sentences:

1. 我们需要认真地展望未来,制定长远规划。

We need to carefully look into the future and make long-term plans.

2. 她总是充满希望地展望着自己的未来。

She always looks forward to her future with hope.

3. 公司领导层正在密切关注市场变化,以便更好地展望未来。

The company's management is closely monitoring market changes in order to better anticipate the future.

4. 在这个快速变化的时代,我们必须学会灵活地应对,并能够准确地展望未来。

In this fast-changing era, we must learn to adapt and accurately anticipate the future.

5. 我们不能只沉湎于眼前的成就,还要勇于展望未来的发展。

We cannot just indulge in current achievements, but also need to have the courage to look into the future.

Synonyms and usage:

1. 预测 (yù cè) - to predict or forecast

2. 设想 (shè xiǎng) - to imagine or conceive

3. 规划 (guī huà) - to plan or make arrangements

4. 展望未来的可能性 (zhǎn wàng wèi lái de kě néng xìng) - looking into future possibilities

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