英文释义:The emperor is far away from the high mountains, meaning that a powerful person or institution is far away and unable to interfere or influence the current situation. This phrase can also be used to describe a place or person's high status that is difficult to reach.
二:怎么读(音标):shān gāo huáng dì yuǎn
1. 在这场比赛中,我们必须要做到山高皇帝远,不被任何外界因素所影响。
In this game, we must be like the emperor in the high mountains, unaffected by any external factors.
2. 他们家族在这个城市里地位很高,可以说是山高皇帝远。
Their family has a high status in this city, you could say they are like the emperor in the high mountains.
3. 无论你多么有钱有势,也无法改变这个社会的现状,因为山高皇帝远。
No matter how rich and powerful you are, you cannot change the current situation of society, because the emperor is far away in the high mountains.
4. 虽然我们想要改变这个决定,但是山高皇帝远,我们无能为力。
Although we want to change this decision, the emperor is far away and we are powerless.
5. 他在公司里的地位就像是山高皇帝远一样,无人可以撼动。
His position in the company is like that of an emperor in the high mountains, no one can shake it.
1. 山高王远:与“山高皇帝远”意思相同,只是将“皇帝”换成了“王”,形容某个人或者的权势和地位。
2. 天高皇远:与“山高皇帝远”意思相近,都是指某件事情上权势强大的人或者离得很远。
3. 高不可攀:形容某个地方或者某个人的地位非常高贵,难以企及。
4. 高居不下:指某个人或者在某方面拥有极高的地位和权势。