
英语听力2024-04-17 03:05:59小编




巍(wēi)is a Chinese word, an adjective, which means tall, magnificent, and spectacular. It is often used to describe mountains, buildings, and other things that have a grand and imposing presence.



The pinyin for 巍 is wēi, with the first tone.



As an adjective, 巍 can modify nouns or be used as a predicate. It is often used to describe tall and magnificent things, but it can also be used to describe a person's demeanor or style.


1. 这座城市最著名的景点就是那座巍峨壮观的山峰。

This city's most famous attraction is the towering and magnificent mountain peak.

2. 他站在那座巍然耸立的高楼前,感受着它带来的压迫感。

He stood in front of the towering skyscraper, feeling the sense of oppression it brought.

3. 这幅画展现了一座巍峨的古城,吸引了无数游客前来参观。

This painting depicts a majestic ancient city, attracting countless tourists to visit.

4. 她的巍然不动的姿态让人感受到她强大的内心力量。

Her unshakable posture exudes a strong sense of inner strength.

5. 这首歌曲充满了巍然不可侵犯的气势,让人不禁为之折服。

This song is filled with an unshakable and invincible aura, making people can't help but be impressed.


1. 雄伟(xíong wěi):形容事物高大、壮观,通常用来形容自然景观或者建筑物。

2. 雄伟(měng měng):也可以形容事物高大、壮观,但更多地用来形容人的气势或者风格。

3. 雄伟(xióng wěi):与巍相同意思,但使用频率更低。

4. 壮丽(zhuàng lì):形容景色壮观、美丽,通常用来描述自然景观。

5. 宏伟(hóng wěi):与巍相同意思,但更多地用来形容建筑物或者规模大的事物。

1. Magnificent (xíong wěi): Describes something tall and magnificent, often used to describe natural landscapes or buildings.

2. Magnificent (měng měng): Can also describe something tall and magnificent, but is more commonly used to describe a person's demeanor or style.

3. Majestic (xióng wěi): Has the same meaning as 巍, but is less frequently used.

4. Splendid (zhuàng lì): Describes a magnificent and beautiful scenery, often used to describe natural landscapes.

5. Grand (hóng wěi): Has the same meaning as 巍, but is more commonly used to describe buildings or large-scale things.


