
英语听力2024-04-17 03:12:53小编




Industrial Zone (n.) - An area specially designated for the production, processing, manufacturing, and storage of products. It typically includes factories, warehouses, office buildings, and related facilities, aimed at providing a centralized location to support and facilitate various industrial activities.


/ɪnˈdʌstrɪəl zoʊn/



Industrial zones can be used for various types of industrial activities such as manufacturing, processing, assembly, packaging, etc. They are typically developed by the government or private enterprises and made available for lease to tenants. Some large international companies also establish their own industrial zones in different countries in order to better manage their global production.


1. The government is planning to build a new industrial zone in the outskirts of the city to attract more foreign investment. (计划在城市郊区建立一个新的工业区,以吸引更多的外国投资。)

2. The industrial zone is equipped with modern facilities and infrastructure to support the needs of various industries. (工业区配备了现代化设施和基础设施,以支持各种行业的需求。)

3. Many companies have set up their factories in the industrial zone due to its convenient location and favorable policies. (许多公司因其便利的位置和优惠而在工业区建立了工厂。)

4. The industrial zone has strict regulations on environmental protection to ensure the safety and health of its workers. (工业区对环境保护有严格的规定,以确保员工的安全和健康。)

5. The establishment of an industrial zone has greatly boosted the local economy and created numerous job opportunities for the residents. (工业区的建立大大推动了当地经济,并为居民创造了大量就业机会。)


1. Industrial Park - Similar to an industrial zone, it is a designated area for industrial activities, but it may also include other types of businesses such as research centers or technology companies.

2. Manufacturing District - A specific area within a city or town where manufacturing activities are concentrated.

3. Business Park - A planned development that includes a mix of office, commercial, and light industrial spaces.

4. Free Trade Zone - An area within a country where goods can be imported, manufactured, and exported without being subject to customs duties.

5. Special Economic Zone - A designated area within a country that has special economic regulations and incentives to attract foreign investment and promote economic growth.


