
英语听力2024-04-17 04:01:00小编




What does existing knowledge mean?

Existing knowledge refers to the theories and practical knowledge that individuals have acquired, including experiences and skills gained from learning, work, and life. It is the foundation of personal cognition and thinking ability, as well as an important support for personal development and growth.


[ɪɡˈzɪstɪŋ ˈnɒlɪdʒ]




Existing knowledge is often used to describe a person's experience and skills in a particular field or skill. It can be used to assess a person's level of expertise in a specific area, or to measure their practical abilities in their work.


1. 她在市场营销领域有丰富的已有知识,可以帮助公司更好地推广产品。

She has a wealth of existing knowledge in the field of marketing, which can help the company promote its products better.

2. 他的已有知识使他在面试中脱颖而出,成功获得了这份工作。

His existing knowledge made him stand out in the interview and successfully secured him the job.

3. 学习新的技能可以帮助你拓展已有的知识,提高自己的竞争力。

Learning new skills can help you expand your existing knowledge and improve your competitiveness.

4. 这本书不仅包含了最新的研究成果,也总结了已有的知识,非常适合学术研究者阅读。

This book not only includes the latest research findings, but also summarizes existing knowledge, making it ideal for academic researchers to read.

5. 随着科技的发展,我们需要不断更新和补充已有的知识,以跟上时代的步伐。

With the development of technology, we need to constantly update and supplement our existing knowledge in order to keep up with the pace of the times.


1. 知识 (knowledge):泛指个人所掌握的理论和实践知识,也可以指社会共同拥有的普遍认知。

2. 经验 (experience):指个人在实践活动中所获得的知识和技能。

3. 技能 (skill):指个人具备的特定的操作能力或技术。

4. 学识 (learning):指个人所学习和掌握的知识,也可以指学术上的造诣。

5. 专业 (expertise):指个人在某一领域内所具备的专业知识和技能。

Synonyms and Usage:

1. Knowledge: refers to the theories and practical knowledge that individuals have acquired, can also refer to the common cognition shared by society.

2. Experience: refers to the knowledge and skills gained by individuals in practical activities.

3. Skill: refers to the specific operational abilities or techniques possessed by individuals.

4. Learning: refers to the knowledge that individuals have learned and mastered, can also refer to academic achievements.

5. Expertise: refers to the professional knowledge and skills that individuals possess in a certain field.


