
英语听力2024-04-17 07:32:23小编




英文释义:to come into existence because of a particular situation or set of conditions


yìng yùn ér shēng [yǐng yùn ér shēng]




1. The internet became popular in the 1990s, and social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter soon followed, all of which have been described as "products of their time", or in other words, they came into existence due to the right conditions - they were born out of necessity, so to speak. (互联网在20世纪90年代变得流行,社交媒体如Facebook和Twitter很快就随之出现,所有这些都被称为“时代的产物”,换句话说,它们应运而生,因为它们是必需品。)

2. The invention of the automobile was a product of the industrial revolution, and it changed the way people traveled forever. (汽车的发明是工业的产物,它永远改变了人们的旅行方式。)

3. The fashion industry is constantly evolving and new trends are always emerging. Each season, designers come up with new collections that are products of their time. (时尚界不断发展,新潮流也总是不断涌现。每个季节,设计师都会推出新的系列,它们都是时代的产物。)

4. Steve Jobs was a visionary leader who understood the needs of his time and created products that were born out of necessity. (史蒂夫·乔布斯是一位有远见的领导者,他理解当时的需求,并创造了应运而生的产品。)

5. The success of any business depends on its ability to adapt to changing times and come up with products that are in demand. (任何企业的成功都取决于其适应变化时代并推出符合需求的产品的能力。)


1. 出于必要:out of necessity

2. 符合时代需求:in response to the needs of the time

3. 顺应潮流:in line with trends

4. 恰逢其时:right on time

5. 适时出现:emerge at the right time


