
英语听力2024-04-17 08:56:52小编




The idea of building the Beijing Third Ring Road Exhibition and Economic Circle refers to the development of a multi-functional economic zone in the Third Ring Road area of Beijing, which includes exhibition, trade, cultural and entertainment industries. This concept aims to enhance the coordinated development of various industries in the region, and promote the overall economic strength and international influence of Beijing, making contributions to the economic development of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region and even the whole country.


建设 (jiàn shè), 北京 (běi jīng), 环三环 (huán sān huán), 会展 (huì zhǎn), 经济圈 (jīng jì quān)




1. 我们正在积极推进建设北京环三环会展经济圈的工作,旨在促进区域内产业协调发展。

We are actively promoting the construction of the Beijing Third Ring Road Exhibition and Economic Circle, aiming to promote coordinated development of industries in the region.

2. 建设北京环三环会展经济圈将为京津冀地区的经济一体化提供新的机遇。

The construction of the Beijing Third Ring Road Exhibition and Economic Circle will provide new opportunities for the economic integration of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei.

3. 这个构想将使得北京市内环三环地区成为一个集商贸、文化娱乐和会展为一体的现代化城市。

This concept will turn the Third Ring Road area in Beijing into a modern city that integrates trade, culture, entertainment and exhibitions.

4. 北京市已经制定了详细的规划方案,以实现建设北京环三环会展经济圈的目标。

The Beijing municipal government has developed a detailed plan to achieve the goal of building the Beijing Third Ring Road Exhibition and Economic Circle.

5. 建设北京环三环会展经济圈将有助于提升北京市在国际上的影响力和竞争力。

The construction of the Beijing Third Ring Road Exhibition and Economic Circle will help enhance Beijing's international influence and competitiveness.


1. 经济圈 (jīng jì quān)可以替换为经济区 (jīng jì qū),意思相同。

2. 区域内 (qū yù nèi)可以替换为该地区 (gāi dì qū),意思相同。

3. 促进 (cù jìn)可以替换为推动 (tuī dòng),意思相同。

4. 协调发展 (xié tiáo fā zhǎn)可以替换为协同发展 (xié tóng fā zhǎn),意思相同。

5. 规划方案 (guī huà fāng àn)可以替换为发展计划 (fā zhǎn jì huà),意思相同。


