
英语听力2024-04-17 08:58:52小编


1. 什么意思(中文):表示对某事物的内容、性质、情况等不了解,需要进一步说明或询问。

2. What does it mean (English): It expresses the lack of understanding about the content, nature, situation, etc. of something, and further explanation or inquiry is needed.


什么意思:shénme yìsi

What does it mean: wɒt dʌz it miːn




1. 你说的这个词是什么意思?(Nǐ shuō de zhège cí shì shénme yìsi?)

What does this word you said mean?

2. 我不太明白你的意思,你能再解释一下吗?(Wǒ bù tài míngbái nǐ de yìsi, nǐ néng zài jiěshì yīxià ma?)

I don't quite understand what you mean, could you explain it again?

3. 这本书里有很多我不懂的单词,我可以问你什么意思吗?(Zhè běn shū lǐ yǒu hěnduō wǒ bù dǒng de dāncí, wǒ kěyǐ wèn nǐ shénme yìsi ma?)

There are many words in this book that I don't understand, can I ask you what they mean?

4. 他的话让我十分疑惑,我不知道他到底想表达什么意思。(Tā de huà ràng wǒ shífēn yíhuò, wǒ bù zhīdào tā dàodǐ xiǎng biǎodá shénme yìsi.)

His words confused me a lot, I don't know what he really meant to express.

5. 我们需要更多的信息来理解这个词的真正意思。(Wǒmen xūyào gèng duō de xìnxī lái lǐjiě zhège cí de zhēnzhèng yìsi.)

We need more information to understand the true meaning of this word.


1. 含义 (hányì):表示某事物所包含的意思或内容。

2. 意涵 (yìhán):指某事物所蕴含的深层含义。

3. 解释 (jiěshì):指对某事物进行说明、阐述。

4. 真谛 (zhēndí):指某事物的真正含义或本质。

5. 含蓄 (hánxù):指言语或行为中所蕴含的深刻意义。


