
英语听力2024-04-17 09:55:58小编




What does "弄巧成拙" mean (Chinese-English) explanation:

"弄巧成拙" means that one's attempt to do something clever or skillful ends up being clumsy or unsuccessful due to carelessness or inappropriate methods. This term can also be used to describe a situation where someone pursues perfection too much and ends up making mistakes.


"弄巧成拙"的读音为nòng qiǎo chéng zhuó,其中qiǎo的音调为第二声,chéng和zhuó的音调为第四声。

Pronunciation: nòng qiǎo chéng zhuó

Note: qiǎo is pronounced with the second tone, chéng and zhuó are pronounced with the fourth tone.




"弄巧成拙" is commonly used to describe a situation where someone makes a mistake or fails while attempting to do something. It can be used as a verb phrase or an adjective phrase.


1. 他原本想要通过做一些小手段来赢得比赛,结果却弄巧成拙,导致最后输了。

He tried to win the game by using some tricks, but ended up making a mistake and lost in the end.

2. 她总是追求完美,但有时候过于追求反而会弄巧成拙。

She always pursues perfection, but sometimes her excessive pursuit ends up causing mistakes.

3. 我们要注意避免在做事情时弄巧成拙,因为这样很容易出错。

We should be careful not to make mistakes by trying to be too clever when doing things.

4. 他的计划原本很周密,但最后却因为一点小错误而弄巧成拙。

His plan was well thought out, but it ended up being clumsy due to a small mistake.

5. 老师提醒学生们不要在考试时想方设法弄巧成拙,应该认真答题才能取得好成绩。

The teacher reminded the students not to try to be too clever during exams, and instead focus on answering questions carefully in order to achieve good grades.


1. 拔苗助长(bá miáo zhù zhǎng):指过于急躁或者不恰当的方法导致事情失败。

2. 自作聪明(zì zuò cōng míng):指自以为聪明而做出错误的决定。

3. 弄巧反拙(nòng qiǎo fǎn zhuó):指原本想要做得巧妙,结果却因为不慎或者不恰当的方法而失败。

4. 蠢蠢欲动(chǔn chǔn yù dòng):指急于行动,但缺乏足够的准备或者计划,结果可能会出现错误。

5. 欲速则不达(yù sù zé bù dá):指急于求成,反而会导致事情失败。

Synonyms and usage:

1. 拔苗助长 (bá miáo zhù zhǎng): describes a situation where being too impatient or using inappropriate methods leads to failure.

2. 自作聪明 (zì zuò cōng míng): describes making a wrong decision due to thinking one is clever.

3. 弄巧反拙 (nòng qiǎo fǎn zhuó): describes an attempt to do something clever that ends up being clumsy or unsuccessful due to carelessness or inappropriate methods.

4. 蠢蠢欲动 (chǔn chǔn yù dòng): describes being eager to take action, but lacking proper preparation or planning, which may result in mistakes.

5. 欲速则不达 (yù sù zé bù dá): means that being too hasty may lead to failure.


"弄巧成拙"是一个常用于形容人在做事情时出现错误或者失败的词语。它可以用作动词短语或者形容词短语,读音为nòng qiǎo chéng zhuó。同义词包括拔苗助长、自作聪明、弄巧反拙、蠢蠢欲动和欲速则不达。在使用时要注意避免过于追求完美而导致弄巧成拙的情况发生。
