
英语听力2024-04-17 11:09:28小编




In Japanese and Chinese traditional children's games, the small glass balls used in tama-hajiki or dama games are commonly referred to as "tama" or "dama" and also known as "hane-tama" or "hane-dama". These balls are usually made of glass, with a diameter of about 1 centimeter, and have a smooth surface that allows them to roll and bounce on flat surfaces.


tama-hajiki /tɑːmə hɑːˈdʒiːkiː/



These balls are commonly used in traditional children's games in Japan and China. The game rules vary, but the general idea is to place the balls on a flat surface and then use fingers or special sticks to shoot them, with the goal of rolling them into a designated target area or hitting other balls.


1. 小明和小红正在玩弹子小孩子游戏,他们用手指轻轻地弹射着玻璃小球。

Xiaoming and Xiaohong are playing tama-hajiki, shooting the glass balls with their fingers gently.

2. 弹子小孩子游戏可以锻炼孩子的手眼协调能力和反应能力。

Tama-hajiki can improve children's hand-eye coordination and reaction ability.

3. 小花在弹子小孩子游戏中表现出色,她成功地将所有的玻璃小球都弹射进了目标区域。

Xiaohua did a great job in tama-hajiki game, she successfully shot all the glass balls into the target area.

4. 在,弹珠是一种受欢迎的儿童玩具,许多孩子都喜欢用它们来玩各种游戏。

In China, dama is a popular children's toy and many kids love to use them to play different games.

5. 这些小球的表面光滑,所以它们可以在平坦的地面上滚动得很远。

The surface of these balls is smooth, so they can roll a long way on flat surfaces.


1. 弹珠 (dama):与弹子(tama)意思相同,也是指玻璃制成的小球。

2. 弹丸 (dama):与弹子(tama)意思相同,也是指玻璃制成的小球。

3. 弹射球 (hane-tama/hane-dama):与弹子(tama)意思相同,也是指玻璃制成的小球。这个词通常用于描述游戏时弹射小球的动作。

1. Dama: has the same meaning as tama, also refers to small glass balls.

2. Dama: has the same meaning as tama, also refers to small glass balls.

3. Hane-tama/hane-dama: has the same meaning as tama, also refers to small glass balls. This term is often used to describe the action of shooting the balls during the game.


