How to pronounce: xùn [xun]
1. 徇义:为了义气而牺牲自己。
2. 徇私:为了私人的利益而做出违背公平公正的行为。
3. 徇情:出于感情用事,不顾客观公正。
4. 徇名:为了追求名利而不择手段。
5. 徇厚:出于厚爱和感激而偏袒某人。
Example sentences:
1. 他们两个是多年的好友,一向都很徇义。
They have been good friends for many years and have always been willing to sacrifice for each other.
2. 这位很有责任心,从来不会。
This police officer is very responsible and never engages in favoritism or corruption.
3. 他是一个很有原则的人,从来不会为了自己的利益而徇情失职。
He is a person of principles and will never neglect his duty for personal gain.
4. 这个商人为了徇名利,不择手段地骗取客户的钱财。
This businessman will do whatever it takes to deceive customers for the sake of fame and fortune.
5. 老板对他很徇厚,因为他曾经帮助过老板的家人。
The boss is very partial towards him because he once helped the boss's family.
Synonyms and usage:
1. 牺牲:指为了某种目的而放弃自己的利益或生命。
2. 奋不顾身:指为了某种目标而勇于冒险、不顾危险。
3. 舍己救人:指为了救助他人而牺牲自己。
4. 忘我:指为了某种信仰或理想而忘记自我,全心全意地投入其中。
5. 献身:指把自己的全部精力和力量奉献给某种事业或目标。
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