How useful is defined as something or information that has an important role and can bring practical help or benefits.
很有用的 /hěn yǒu yòng de/
"很有用的" is a phrase that can be used to describe the usefulness of something.
1. 这本书对我的学习非常很有用的。
This book is very useful for my studies.
2. 他给了我一些很有用的建议,让我更加成功。
He gave me some very useful advice that helped me become more successful.
3. 这个应用程序很有用,可以帮助你管理时间和任务。
This app is very useful and can help you manage your time and tasks.
4. 他的经验在这个项目中非常很有用的,我们需要听取他的意见。
His expertise is very useful in this project, we need to listen to his opinions.
5. 很多人认为学习外语是很有用的,可以打开更多就业机会。
Many people believe that learning a foreign language is very useful and can open up more job opportunities.
1. 有效 (yǒu xiào) - effective, efficient
2. 实用 (shí yòng) - practical, functional
3. 重要 (zhòng yào) - important, significant
4. 有益 (yǒu yì) - beneficial, advantageous
5. 有帮助 (yǒu bāng zhù) - helpful, useful