
英语听力2024-04-17 17:18:03小编




What does "性冷淡" mean?

"性冷淡" means a person who is indifferent, lacks enthusiasm and emotional expression. It usually refers to someone who is reserved and not good at expressing their feelings. These people are not likely to actively pursue relationships or easily reveal their inner world.


"性冷淡" 的拼音为 xìng lěng dàn,读音为 /ʃɪŋ ləŋ dæn/。

How to pronounce "性冷淡"?

The pinyin of "性冷淡" is xìng lěng dàn, and the pronunciation is /ʃɪŋ ləŋ dæn/.


"性冷淡" 通常作为形容词使用,可以用来形容一个人或者他们的行为。也可以用来描述某种氛围或者环境。


"性冷淡" is usually used as an adjective to describe a person or their behavior. It can also be used to describe a certain atmosphere or environment.


1. 她的性冷淡让人感到难以接近。 (Her indifference makes it hard for people to get close to her.)

2. 他对感情很冷淡,从不主动追求任何人。 (He is emotionally distant and never actively pursues anyone.)

3. 这个城市给人一种性冷淡的感觉,没有任何热情和活力。 (This city gives off a sense of coldness, with no warmth or vitality.)

4. 她总是表现出一副性冷淡的态度,似乎对什么都不感兴趣。 (She always shows an indifferent attitude and seems uninterested in everything.)

5. 虽然看起来很冷淡,但他内心其实非常温暖善良。(Despite his distant appearance, he is actually very warm and kind-hearted inside.)


1. 冷漠(lěng mò):指情感上缺乏热情和关怀,通常与"性冷淡" 同义使用。

2. 冷静(lěng jìng):指在面对挑战或压力时保持镇定和理智,与"性冷淡" 意思不同。

3. 高冷(gāo lěng):指个性高傲、不易亲近的人,与"性冷淡" 意思相近。

4. 淡漠(dàn mò):指对事物缺乏兴趣和热情,与"性冷淡" 意思相似。

5. 冷艳(lěng yàn):指外表冷酷、高贵,内心却充满热情和魅力,与"性冷淡" 有着截然不同的意思。

Synonyms and usage:

1. 冷漠 (lěng mò): refers to a lack of emotion and care, often used as a synonym for "性冷淡".

2. 冷静 (lěng jìng): refers to staying calm and rational in the face of challenges or pressure, different from the meaning of "性冷淡".

3. 高冷 (gāo lěng): refers to a person who is proud and not easy to approach, similar to the meaning of "性冷淡".

4. 淡漠 (dàn mò): refers to a lack of interest and enthusiasm towards things, similar to the meaning of "性冷淡".

5. 冷艳 (lěng yàn): refers to an appearance that is cold and noble, but with warmth and charm inside, completely different from the meaning of "性冷淡".


"性冷淡" 是一个形容个人特质的词语,通常用来形容那些缺乏热情和感情表达的人。它可以作为形容词使用,也可以用来描述某种氛围或者环境。除了"冷漠"、"高冷"、"淡漠"等同义词外,还有一些与之相近但含义不同的词语,如"冷静"、"冷艳"。希望本文能够帮助读者更好地理解和运用这一词语。
