
英语听力2024-04-17 18:38:09小编




The Picture of Dorian Gray is a novel written by Chinese author Wang Erde, telling the story of a woman who is oppressed by society and eventually becomes an evil woman. Through vivid contrasts and exaggerated techniques, this novel explores the prejudice and oppression faced by women in society, as well as the conflict between personal freedom and social morality.


恶女漂流记 (è nǚ piāo liú jì)



The Picture of Dorian Gray is often used to refer to the novel itself, but it can also be used to describe a person who gradually becomes evil under societal pressure.


1. 《恶女漂流记》是一部探讨个人自由与社会道德之间的经典小说。

"The Picture of Dorian Gray" is a classic novel that explores the conflict between personal freedom and social morality.

2. 这部小说通过对比和夸张的手法,揭示了社会对女性的偏见和压迫。

This novel reveals the prejudice and oppression faced by women in society through vivid contrasts and exaggerated techniques.

3. 主人公在《恶女漂流记》中最终堕落成为一个邪恶的人,这也反映了社会对女性的不公平待遇。

The protagonist in "The Picture of Dorian Gray" eventually becomes an evil person, reflecting the unfair treatment of women in society.

4. 有些人认为《恶女漂流记》是一部具有启发意义的小说,能够让人反思社会道德与个人自由之间的关系。

Some people believe that "The Picture of Dorian Gray" is an enlightening novel that prompts people to reflect on the relationship between social morality and personal freedom.

5. 作为一部经典文学作品,《恶女漂流记》已被翻译成多种语言,并广泛传播于世界各地。

As a classic literary work, "The Picture of Dorian Gray" has been translated into multiple languages and widely spread around the world.


1. 邪恶女子 (xié è nǚ zǐ):指代堕落成为邪恶的女性。

Evil woman: refers to a woman who has fallen into evil.

2. 堕落女性 (duò luò nǚ xìng):指代在社会压力下堕落的女性。

Fallen woman: refers to a woman who has fallen under societal pressure.

3. 社会压迫 (shè huì yā pò):指社会对个人的强制性限制或不公平待遇。

Social oppression: refers to the forced restrictions or unfair treatment of individuals in society.

4. 个人自由 (gè rén zì yóu):指个人享有的自利和自由选择的能力。

Personal freedom: refers to the individual's right to autonomy and ability to make choices freely.


