
英语听力2024-04-17 23:36:17小编



How to pronounce: xì qǔ



Example sentences:

1. 我们今天晚上去看京剧吧,京剧是最有名的戏曲之一。

Let's go watch Peking Opera tonight, it is one of the most famous Chinese traditional operas.

2. 我们学校将举办一场戏曲表演比赛,欢迎大家参加。

Our school will hold a competition for traditional opera performances, everyone is welcome to participate.

3. 这部电影采用了戏曲元素,为观众呈现了一场视听盛宴。

This movie incorporates elements of traditional opera and presents a visual and audio feast for the audience.

4. 戏曲经常被称为“活着的文化遗产”,它了传统文化的精髓。

Chinese traditional opera is often referred to as the "living cultural heritage", as it represents the essence of Chinese culture.

5. 戏曲艺术是一门需要长期学习和不断精进的艺术,它融合了多种技能和表现形式。

Traditional opera is an art that requires long-term learning and continuous improvement, as it combines various skills and forms of expression.

Synonyms and usage:

戏剧 (xì jù) - drama, theatrical performance

歌剧 (gē jù) - opera

曲艺 (qǔ yì) - Chinese traditional storytelling and performing arts

京剧 (jīng jù) - Peking Opera

评剧 (píng jù) - Pingju Opera

Editor's summary:

