
英语听力2024-04-17 23:42:42小编



Adult continuing education refers to the learning activities that adults participate in after completing their basic education, in order to continuously improve their knowledge and skills, and to adapt to the needs of social and personal career development. It is a continuous learning process aimed at helping adults update their knowledge, broaden their horizons, and enhance their abilities, thus realizing self-worth and making contributions to society.


[əˈdʌlt kənˈtɪnjuːɪŋ ˌedʒə'keɪʃən]



Adult continuing education can be carried out through various forms, including attending courses and trainings, self-study, online learning, etc. It can be for personal interests and curiosity, as well as for improving professional skills and competitiveness. At the same time, it is also a flexible way of learning, with a high degree of freedom in terms of time and location, which can meet the learning needs of different groups.


1. 成人继续教育是一种重要的学习方式,可以帮助成年人不断提升自我,实现个人价值和社会贡献。

Adult continuing education is an important way of learning that can help adults continuously improve themselves and realize their personal value and social contributions.

2. 越来越多的成年人意识到终身学习的重要性,因此选择参加成人继续教育的人数也在不断增加。

More and more adults are realizing the importance of lifelong learning, so the number of people choosing to participate in adult continuing education is also increasing.

3. 成人继续教育可以通过线下课程、在线学习等多种形式进行,灵活性高,能够满足不同群体的学习需求。

Adult continuing education can be carried out through various forms such as offline courses and online learning, with high flexibility to meet the learning needs of different groups.

4. 他每年都会参加一些成人继续教育课程,以提升自己的专业技能和知识水平。

He attends some adult continuing education courses every year to improve his professional skills and knowledge.

5. 成人继续教育是一种有效的学习方式,可以帮助成年人不断跟上社会发展的步伐,保持竞争力。

Adult continuing education is an effective way of learning that can help adults keep up with the pace of social development and maintain competitiveness.


1. 终身学习(lifelong learning):指个人在一生中不断学习、更新知识和技能的过程,与成人继续教育具有相似的含义。

2. 职业培训(vocational training):指为了提升职业技能而进行的培训活动,也是成人继续教育的重要形式之一。

3. 自我提升(self-improvement):指通过学习和努力来提高自身素质和能力,也是成人继续教育的目标之一。


