
英语听力2024-04-18 00:09:09小编



英文释义:In war, the victor is known as "成王" (the king who has achieved success), while the loser is known as "败寇" (the defeated enemy). This idiom means that the victor is praised and honored, while the loser is looked down upon and despised.

二:怎么读(音标):chéng wáng bài kòu



1. 在这场战争中,我们必须要坚持到底,不能让自己变成一个败寇。(In this war, we must persevere and not become a defeated enemy.)

2. 成功并不意味着一切都会顺利,失败也不意味着一切都会结束。在人生道路上,我们必须学会接受成王败寇的现实。(Success doesn't mean everything will go smoothly, and failure doesn't mean everything will come to an end. On the journey of life, we must learn to accept the reality of being either a victor or a defeated enemy.)

3. 在这场比赛中,只有一个人能够获得冠,其他人都将变成败寇。(In this competition, only one person can become the champion, while others will all become defeated enemies.)

4. 在这个世界上,只有强者才能被称为“成王”,而弱者则注定要被称为“败寇”。(In this world, only the strong are known as "成王", while the weak are destined to be called "败寇".)

5. 每个人都希望自己能够成功,但是并不是每个人都能够成为“成王”,有时候我们也必须接受失败的现实。(Everyone hopes for success, but not everyone can become a "成王". Sometimes we must also accept the reality of failure.)


1. 胜利者与失败者:victor and loser

2. 成功与失败:success and failure

3. 胜利与失败:victory and defeat

4. 胜负关系:win-loss relationship

5. 成败之道:the way of success and failure


