
英语听力2024-04-18 01:52:25小编




What does "我是个坏男人" mean?

"I am a bad man" is the meaning of this phrase, which refers to a male with bad personality, improper conduct and bad behavior. It is often used to describe those who are good at deceiving, betraying and hurting others.


我是个坏男人的拼音为"wǒ shì gè huài nán rén",音标为[wo ʂi ge xwai nan ren]。

How to pronounce it?

The pinyin of "我是个坏男人" is "wǒ shì gè huài nán rén", with the phonetic symbols [wo ʂi ge xwai nan ren].




This phrase is often used to describe the character and behavior of a male. It can be used as an adjective phrase alone or as part of a sentence. In oral language, some modifiers or adverbs can be added to emphasize its negative meaning.


1. 我是个坏男人,我不值得你信任。

I am a bad man, I am not worthy of your trust.

2. 那个男人自称是个坏男人,但他的行为却总是很正直。

The man claimed to be a bad man, but his behavior is always upright.

3. 我知道你喜欢坏男人,但是我不想成为一个伤害你的人。

I know you like bad men, but I don't want to be someone who hurts you.

4. 他表面上看起来很温柔体贴,但实际上是个坏男人。

He seems gentle and considerate on the surface, but in fact he is a bad man.

5. 我曾经被一个坏男人欺骗过,现在对于感情一直都很谨慎。

I was once deceived by a bad man, now I am always cautious about relationships.


1. 坏蛋(huài dàn):指性格恶劣、品行不端的人。与“我是个坏男人”意思相近,但更常用于口语。

2. 恶棍(è gùn):指行为恶劣、危害社会的人。与“我是个坏男人”意思相近,但更强调其危害性。

3. 狠人(hěn rén):指心狠手辣、不择手段的人。与“我是个坏男人”意思相近,但更侧重于其残忍性。

Synonyms and usage:

1. 坏蛋 (huài dàn): refers to a person with bad character and improper conduct. It has a similar meaning to "我是个坏男人", but is more commonly used in spoken language.

2. 恶棍 (è gùn): refers to a person with bad behavior that harms society. It has a similar meaning to "我是个坏男人", but emphasizes its harmfulness.

3. 狠人 (hěn rén): refers to a person who is cruel and ruthless, and will do anything to achieve their goals. It has a similar meaning to "我是个坏男人", but focuses more on their cruelty.


