
英语听力2024-04-18 02:01:00小编



What does "我是菜鸟,我怕谁?与技术第一次握手。" mean in Chinese and English?

二:"我是菜鸟,我怕谁?与技术第一次握手。"的拼音为"wǒ shì cài niǎo, wǒ pà shéi? yǔ hēi kè jìshù dì yī cì wò shǒu。"

How to pronounce "我是菜鸟,我怕谁?与技术第一次握手。" in pinyin?


This sentence can be used as a rhetorical question to express doubt about one's ability or courage; it can also convey a challenging attitude, indicating no fear of difficulties and challenges; it can also describe someone's interest and curiosity in new things or unknown fields.

四:1.我是菜鸟,我怕谁?与技术第一次握手。- What does "我是菜鸟,我怕谁?与技术第一次握手。" mean in Chinese and English?

2. 我是菜鸟,但我不怕挑战高难度的技术。- I may be a newbie, but I'm not afraid to take on difficult technical challenges.

3. 作为一个菜鸟,我很好奇技术的奥秘。- As a newbie, I am curious about the mysteries of hacking technology.

4. 我是一个菜鸟,但我相信通过学习和努力,我可以变得更强大。- I may be a newbie, but I believe that through learning and hard work, I can become stronger.

5. 虽然我是个菜鸟,但我敢于挑战自己,与技术第一次握手。- Even though I am a newbie, I dare to challenge myself and shake hands with hacking technology for the first time.

1. What does "我是菜鸟,我怕谁?与技术第一次握手。" mean in Chinese and English?

2. Although I am a newbie, I am not afraid to take on difficult technical challenges.

3. As a newcomer, I am curious about the mysteries of hacking technology.

4. I may be a newbie, but I believe that through learning and hard work, I can become stronger.

5. Even though I am a newbie, I dare to challenge myself and shake hands with hacking technology for the first time.


1. 菜鸟 - 新手、初学者、入门者

2. 怕谁 - 害怕、畏惧、担心

3. 技术 - 骇客技术、网络攻击技术

4. 第一次握手 - 初次见面、第一次接触

1. Newbie - novice, beginner, starter

2. Fear who - afraid, fearful, worried

3. Hacking technology - hacker technology, cyber attack techniques

4. First handshake - first meeting, first contact


