
英语听力2024-04-18 03:18:56小编




Hushubudu (户枢不蠹) means that a person or thing remains strong and resilient after years of trials and tribulations, unaffected by external influences and remains uncorrupted. This idiom can be used to describe a person with strong willpower and resilience, or to describe an object with durable qualities.


hù shū bù dú (hú shū bù dú)



Hushubudu is often used to describe a person with strong willpower and resilience, or to describe an object with durable qualities. It can be used alone, or as a modifier in other idioms or sentences.


1. 他经历了多次失败,但始终坚持不懈,真是个户枢不蠹的人。(He has experienced multiple failures, but he perseveres and remains uncorrupted, he is truly a person with hushubudu.)

2. 这座古老的城堡经历了数百年的风雨,仍然屹立不倒,真是一座户枢不蠹的建筑。(This ancient castle has weathered hundreds of years of storms and still stands strong, it is truly a building with hushubudu.)

3. 她遇到了很多挫折,但她的意志坚定不移,完全符合户枢不蠹这个成语的含义。(She has encountered many setbacks, but her will remains steadfast, fully embodying the meaning of hushubudu.)

4. 这部电影经过多次修复,仍然保持着原汁原味,可谓是一部户枢不蠹的经典。(This movie has undergone multiple restorations but still retains its original flavor, it can be called a classic with hushubudu.)

5. 那位老师教导我们要有坚强的意志和抗压能力,说这样才能成为一个真正的户枢不蠹之人。(The teacher taught us to have strong willpower and resilience, saying that this is the only way to become a true person with hushubudu.)


1. 海纳百川:指一个人胸怀宽广,能容纳各种不同的思想和意见。

2. 坚忍不拔:形容一个人具有坚定的意志和毅力,不被外界干扰所动摇。

3. 不屈不挠:形容一个人在困难面前始终坚持,不屈服。

4. 金刚不坏:比喻一个人具有顽强的生命力和抗压能力。

5. 铁石心肠:指一个人冷酷无情,没有同情心。

1. Haina Baichuan: Refers to a person who has a broad mind and can accommodate different thoughts and opinions.

2. Jianren Bubai: Describes a person with strong willpower and perseverance, not swayed by external influences.

3. Buqu Bunao: Describes a person who persists in the face of difficulties and does not give in.

4. Jingang Buhuai: Metaphorically describes a person with strong vitality and resilience.

5. Tieshi Xinchang: Refers to a person who is cold-hearted and lacks compassion.


