
英语听力2024-04-18 03:28:58小编




The toucan is a rare bird species that lives in South America. They have unique appearance and behavior, known as "the most bizarre birds in the world". They belong to the family Ramphastidae and are large carnivorous birds that feed on insects, small mammals, and reptiles. They are also known as "mountain toucans" or "giant flying raptors".


扁嘴山巨嘴鸟 [biǎn zuǐ shān jù zuǐ niǎo]



The toucan is usually used as a noun to refer to this unique bird species. It can also be used to describe someone or something with distinctive, peculiar or rare features.


1. The toucan's brightly colored bill is its most distinctive feature. (扁嘴山巨嘴鸟最独特的特征是其色彩鲜艳的喙。)

2. The toucan's beak is adapted for reaching deep into tree holes to catch insects. (扁嘴山巨嘴鸟的喙适应于深入树洞捕捉昆虫。)

3. Toucans are often seen in pairs, and they have strong pair bonds that last for many years. (扁嘴山巨嘴鸟常常成对出现,它们有着持续多年的强烈伴侣关系。)

4. The toucan's call is a loud, croaking sound that can be heard from far away. (扁嘴山巨嘴鸟的叫声是一种响亮的、沙哑的声音,可以从很远处听到。)

5. In some cultures, the toucan is considered a symbol of luck and prosperity. (在一些文化中,扁嘴山巨嘴鸟被视为幸运和繁荣的象征。)


1. 山雀(shān què):指扁嘴山巨嘴鸟的另一种常用称呼,可以用来替代“扁嘴山巨嘴鸟”。

2. 飞行猛禽(fēi xíng měng qín):指扁嘴山巨嘴鸟的飞行能力和捕食方式,可以用来形容它们的特征。

3. 巨嘴鸟科(jù zuǐ niǎo kē):指扁嘴山巨嘴鸟所属的科,可以用来介绍它们的分类信息。

1. Mountain toucan (shān què): another commonly used name for the toucan, can be used as a substitute for "toucan".

2. Flying raptor (fēi xíng měng qín): refers to the toucan's flying ability and hunting style, can be used to describe their characteristics.

3. Ramphastidae (jù zuǐ niǎo kē): refers to the family that the toucan belongs to, can be used to introduce their classification information.


