
英语听力2024-04-18 04:13:52小编




Breaking a pot to the end (Chinese and English) Explanation:

Breaking a pot to the end is a metaphorical expression, meaning to do something with all one's might until reaching the limit or unable to continue. This idiom originated from a Chinese folk story, which tells about a man who used an iron hammer to break open a pot in order to find his missing wife. In this process, he had exhausted all his strength and methods, but ultimately returned empty-handed. Therefore, "breaking a pot" has become a vivid metaphor for giving one's best effort.


[dǎ pò shā guō lín]

How to pronounce (phonetic):

[dǎ pò shā guō lín]




"Breaking a pot to the end" is usually used to describe something that has been done to the limit and can no longer continue. It can also be used to express giving one's best effort without any regrets.


1. 他为了找到那个重要的文件,已经打破了沙锅璺。

He has broken a pot to the end in order to find that important document.

2. 这次比赛他已经打破了沙锅璺,可惜还是没能赢得冠。

He gave his all in this competition, but unfortunately still couldn't win the championship.

3. 我们必须打破沙锅璺,才能解决这个难题。

We have to give our best efforts in order to solve this problem.

4. 她已经打破了沙锅璺,但是还是无法说服他改变主意。

She has exhausted all her efforts, but still couldn't persuade him to change his mind.

5. 这次考试我一定会打破沙锅璺,拿到满分。

I will definitely give my all in this exam and get full marks.

Five: 同义词及用法:

1. 拼尽全力 (pīn jìn quán lì):exhaust all one's strength and efforts

2. 不遗余力 (bù yí yú lì):spare no effort

3. 竭尽所能 (jié jìn suǒ néng):do one's utmost

4. 力求完美 (lì qiú wán měi):strive for perfection

5. 尽心竭力 (jìn xīn jié lì):put in one's best effort

Synonyms and Usage:

1. 拼尽全力 (pīn jìn quán lì): 用完所有的力气和方法去做某件事情。

2. 不遗余力 (bù yí yú lì): 不留任何的努力,全力以赴。

3. 竭尽所能 (jié jìn suǒ néng): 尽最大的努力去做某件事情。

4. 力求完美 (lì qiú wán měi): 致力于达到最好的结果。

5. 尽心竭力 (jìn xīn jié lì): 用心和努力去做某件事情。


