
英语听力2024-04-18 05:18:52小编




Transferring a room to a friend means transferring the room that one is currently renting to the friend, so that the friend will be responsible for the rent and other expenses that one should have paid, and at the same time, giving the right to use the room to the friend. This can help reduce one's financial burden and also help the friend find a suitable place to live.


[trænsˈfɜːrɪŋ ə ruːm tuː ə frend]



1. 自己不再需要居住在该房间,搬家、出国留学等;

2. 自己无法继续支付房租和其他费用,需要寻求帮助;

3. 朋友需要寻找住所,而自己正好有多余的房间;

4. 朋友需要暂时居住,而自己又无法提供住所。


1. 与房东或房屋中介商议,确保可以进行转租;

2. 与朋友协商好租金和其他费用的分配方式;

3. 确保转租合同和相关文件齐全,以免发生纠纷。


Transferring a room to a friend usually happens in the following situations:

1. One no longer needs to live in the room, such as moving or studying abroad;

2. One is unable to continue paying rent and other expenses and needs help;

3. The friend is looking for a place to live, and one happens to have an extra room;

4. The friend needs temporary accommodation, but one cannot provide it.

When transferring a room to a friend, the following should be taken into consideration:

1. Consult with the landlord or housing agency to ensure that subletting is allowed;

2. Discuss with the friend how to share the rent and other expenses;

3. Make sure all subletting contracts and related documents are complete to avoid disputes.


1. 我决定把我现在住的这个单人间转租给我的朋友。

I have decided to transfer my current single room to my friend.

2. 我的朋友需要一个地方住,我正好有多余的房间,所以决定把它转租给他。

My friend needs a place to live, and I happen to have an extra room, so I decided to sublet it to him.

3. 我们已经商议好租金和其他费用的分配方式,所以转租合同可以签订了。

We have discussed how to share the rent and other expenses, so the subletting contract can be signed now.

4. 我的朋友暂时需要住一段时间,所以我决定把我的房间转租给他,帮助他度过难关。

My friend needs temporary accommodation, so I decided to sublet my room to help him through this difficult time.

5. 转租房间需要经过房东同意,并且要确保转租合同和相关文件齐全。

Subletting a room requires the landlord's consent and ensuring that all subletting contracts and related documents are complete.


1. 转让房间给朋友(Transfer a room to a friend)

2. 把房间出租给朋友(Rent a room out to a friend)

3. 分享房间(Share a room)


