
英语听力2024-04-18 07:38:39小编



How to pronounce: bá shí shī wǔ (bá shí: high tone, shī wǔ: neutral tone)

Usage: This idiom is often used to describe a situation where one gains something but also loses something in the process. It can also be used to remind people that success often comes at a cost.

Example sentences:

1. 拔十失五的决定让他们取得了巨大的成功,但也付出了很多代价。(Bá shí shī wǔ de juédìng ràng tāmen qǔdéle jùdà de chénggōng, dàn yě fùchūle hěnduō dàijià.)

The decision to take risks has brought them great success, but it also came with a high price.

2. 在这次交易中,我们拔十失五地赚到了很多钱,但也失去了一个可靠的合作伙伴。(Zài zhè cì jiāoyì zhōng, wǒmen bá shí shī wǔ de zhuàn dàole hěnduō qián, dàn yě shīqùle yīgè kěkào de hézuò huǒbàn.)

In this deal, we gained a lot of money at the cost of losing a reliable partner.

3. 拔十失五的选择并不总是明智的,有时候我们应该权衡利弊。(Bá shí shī wǔ de xuǎnzé bìng bù zǒngshì míngzhì de, yǒu shíhòu wǒmen yīnggāi quánghéng lìbì.)

The decision to take risks is not always wise, sometimes we should weigh the pros and cons.

4. 他们拔十失五地完成了这项任务,但最终获得了领导的认可。(Tāmen bá shí shī wǔ de wánchéngle zhè xiàng rènwù, dàn zuìzhōng huòdéle lǐngdǎo de rènkě.)

They took risks to complete this task, but eventually gained recognition from their leader.

5. 在生意场上,拔十失五是常见的现象,我们必须学会如何处理。(Zài shēngyì chǎng shàng, bá shí shī wǔ shì chángjiàn de xiànxiàng, wǒmen bìxū xuéhuì rúhé chǔlǐ.)

In the business world, taking risks and making sacrifices is a common phenomenon, we must learn how to deal with it.

Synonyms and usage:

1. 得失参半 (déshī cānbàn): to gain something while losing something

2. 失去一些,得到一些 (shīqù yīxiē, dédào yīxiē): to lose something while gaining something

3. 成功的代价 (chénggōng de dàijià): the cost of success

4. 付出牺牲 (fùchū xīshēng): to pay a sacrifice

5. 冒险取得成功 (màoxiǎn qǔdé chénggōng): to take risks and achieve success

Editor's summary: In summary, the idiom "拔十失五" means to gain something while also losing something in the process. It is often used to describe a situation where one takes risks and achieves success, but also suffers some losses or sacrifices. It is important to weigh the pros and cons before making any decisions that involve taking risks. Some synonyms for this idiom include "得失参半" and "失去一些,得到一些".
