
英语听力2024-04-18 10:10:52小编



How to read:

huī gē fǎn rì (hui1 ge1 fan3 ri4)



Example sentences:

1. 在遭受失败后,他没有放弃,而是挥戈返日,最终取得了成功。(After experiencing failure, he didn't give up, instead he picked himself up and eventually achieved success.)

2. 面对困难,我们应该学习挥戈返日的,坚持不懈地努力。(In the face of difficulties, we should learn from the spirit of "huī gē fǎn rì" and persistently work hard.)

3. 虽然他曾经遭受过失败和打击,但是他始终保持着挥戈返日的。(Despite experiencing failures and setbacks, he always maintained the spirit of "huī gē fǎn rì".)

4. 这个曾经遭受过很多困难和灾难,但是它始终能够挥戈返日,重新崛起。(This country has faced many difficulties and disasters, but it has always been able to "huī gē fǎn rì" and rise again.)

5. 在人生的道路上,我们都会遇到挫折和困难,但是只要我们保持挥戈返日的,就能够克服一切。(In the journey of life, we will all encounter setbacks and difficulties, but as long as we maintain the spirit of "huī gē fǎn rì", we can overcome anything.)

Synonyms and usage:

1. 振作奋斗 (zhèn zuò fèn dòu): to pick oneself up and fight

2. 重整旗鼓 (chóng zhěng qí gǔ): to regroup and continue fighting

3. 东山再起 (dōng shān zài qǐ): to make a comeback after a setback

4. 屡败屡战 (lǚ bài lǚ zhàn): to keep fighting after repeated failures

Editor's summary:

