How to pronounce: zhèn bì yī hū (zhěn bì yī hū)
1. 用于形容某人或某团体发出号召,希望能够得到他人的支持和响应。
2. 也可以用来形容某人在欢庆、庆祝时高举双臂,表达兴奋和激动的情绪。
Example sentences:
1. 当他们宣布获得冠时,全场观众都振臂一呼,欢呼雀跃。
When they announced their victory, the whole audience raised their arms and cheered.
2. 希望通过振臂一呼来号召民众参与社会公益活动。
Political leaders hope to rally the public to participate in social welfare activities by raising their arms and calling out.
3. 这位演讲者振臂一呼,要求大家团结起来为环保事业贡献力量。
The speaker raised his arms and called for everyone to unite and contribute to the cause of environmental protection.
4. 在音乐会上,歌手振臂一呼,观众们也跟着挥舞双臂,共同营造出热烈的气氛。
At the concert, the singer raised his arms and the audience followed suit, creating a lively atmosphere together.
5. 当他的团队取得成功时,他振臂一呼,感谢所有的合作伙伴。
When his team succeeded, he raised his arms and thanked all of his partners.
Synonyms and usage:
1. 振臂欢呼 (zhèn bì huān hū): 表示欢庆、庆祝时高举双臂欢呼。
2. 呼吁 (hū yù): 发出号召,希望得到他人的支持和响应。
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