
英语听力2024-04-18 10:22:52小编




Thin refers to the thickness, width, fineness and other aspects of an object or thing are relatively small or light, without a large volume or thickness. It is usually used to describe paper, clothing, books and other items with a certain thickness.


挺薄的读音为 [tǐng báo de],其中“tǐng”为第三声,“báo”为第四声,“de”为轻声。

The pronunciation of thin is [tǐng báo de], with "tǐng" as the third tone, "báo" as the fourth tone and "de" as the neutral tone.



Thin is often used to describe objects with a certain thickness or width, and can also be used to describe things that are less in degree or quantity. It is usually used as a predicate, attributive or adverbial in sentences.


1. 这本书挺薄的,我很快就读完了。

This book is thin, I finished reading it quickly.

2. 我买了一件挺薄的外套,适合春秋季节穿。

I bought a thin jacket, suitable for wearing in spring and autumn.

3. 这张纸挺薄的,不能用来打印重要文件。

This paper is thin, it cannot be used to print important documents.

4. 她的身材挺瘦的,穿什么衣服都好看。

She is quite thin, she looks good in any clothes.

5. 这个城市的空气挺薄的,不适应来自海平面较高地区的人。

The air in this city is thin, people from higher sea levels may not adapt to it.


1. 薄(báo):与“挺薄”意思相同,但语气更弱,常用来形容物体或事物厚度或宽度较小。

Thin: Similar meaning to "thin", but the tone is weaker, often used to describe objects or things with a small thickness or width.

2. 瘦(shòu):主要指人体肥胖程度不大或肌肉发达程度不高。与“挺薄”的区别在于“瘦”更多指身体重量轻而非厚度小。

Skinny: Mainly refers to the degree of obesity or muscle development in the human body. The difference between "skinny" and "thin" is that "skinny" refers to a light weight rather than a small thickness.

3. 细(xì):侧重于物体或事物的细小,与“挺薄”的区别在于“细”更多指物体的尺寸小而非厚度薄。

Fine: Emphasizes the smallness of objects or things, and the difference between "fine" and "thin" is that "fine" refers to the small size of an object rather than its thinness.


