
英语听力2024-04-18 10:57:02小编




Authorization letter is a document or certificate issued by the rights holder to authorize specific rights or privileges to the authorized person. It can be a formal legal document or a simple written agreement. It is usually used to authorize others to act on behalf of oneself or to enjoy certain rights.


/ˌɔːθəraɪˈzeɪʃən ˈlɛtər/



Authorization letter is usually used to authorize others to act on behalf of oneself, such as handling business, signing contracts, obtaining documents, etc. It can also be used to authorize others to enjoy certain rights, such as using trademarks, copyrights, etc. In addition, authorization letter can also be used as a proof document in legal proceedings.


1. 我无法亲自前往银行办理业务,所以我写了一封授权书给我的朋友,让他代替我去办理。(I couldn't go to the bank personally to handle the business, so I wrote an authorization letter to my friend to act on my behalf.)

2. 我们需要您提供一份授权书,以便我们能够您使用您的商标。(We need you to provide us with an authorization letter so that we can use your trademark on your behalf.)

3. 如果你想让别人替你领取,你需要提供一份授权书。(If you want someone else to collect your passport on your behalf, you need to provide an authorization letter.)

4. 在法律程序中,授权书可以作为证明文件来证明受权人享有特定的权利。(In legal proceedings, authorization letter can be used as a proof document to prove that the authorized person has specific rights.)

5. 您需要在授权书上签字,并提供身份证明文件,以便我们能够确认您的身份。(You need to sign the authorization letter and provide identification documents so that we can verify your identity.)


1. 授权书(authorization form):与授权书意思相同,是指由权利人向受权人授予特定权利或权限的文件或证明。

2. 委托书(power of attorney):也是一种类似于授权书的文档,在法律上具有相同的效力。不同之处在于,委托书通常涉及更复杂的权利和责任。

3. 委任书(letter of appointment):也是一种类似于授权书的文档,通常用于委任某人担任特定职务或职位。

4. 授权函(letter of authorization):与授权书意思相同,是指由权利人向受权人授予特定权利或权限的文件或证明。

5. 委托代理书(proxy letter):也是一种类似于授权书的文档,在法律上具有相同的效力。不同之处在于,委托代理书通常用于授权他人自己参加或投票等活动。


