
英语听力2024-04-18 11:38:27小编


控股(kòng gǔ)是指通过持有或者股权来对一家公司或者企业进行管理和决策的行为。通常情况下,控股意味着拥有超过50%的股权,从而能够对公司的运营和发展方向产生重大影响。

How to pronounce: kòng gǔ

Usage: 控股可以用作动词或者名词,表示持有或者股权的行为。

Example sentences:

1. 他们通过收购大量股份,最终成功控股了这家知名企业。

They successfully gained control of this well-known company by acquiring a large number of shares.

2. 这家公司的控股权由董事长直接持有。

The controlling stake of this company is directly held by the chairman.

3. 他们正在寻求与其他投资者合作,以增加对该公司的控股比例。

They are seeking to collaborate with other investors to increase their controlling stake in the company.

4. 作为公司的主要股东,他享有控股权并参与重要决策。

As the major shareholder of the company, he has controlling rights and participates in important decision-making.

5. 这位富豪通过购买大量股票,成功获得了该银行的控股权。

This billionaire gained control of the bank by purchasing a large number of stocks.

Synonyms and usage: 、占据主导地位、拥有主导权

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